Apr 22, 2023 - Day 112 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 122
Game: Boundary
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Apr 13, 2023
Library Date: Apr 21, 2023
Unplayed: 1d (1d)
Playtime: 50m
Since I have a huge number of unplayed games, common sense would dictate that I don't add any more to the pile.
Sadly, it appears that I am lacking in the "common sense" department. A few days ago I caught a couple of minutes of a gameplay video of Boundary.
Boundary is a 6DOF multiplayer space-based tactical shooter. It looked like a lot of fun. It's in early access on Steam, so I added it to my wishlist.
Then Fanatical sent me an alert yesterday to advise me that it was on special for 10% off, and I had an outstanding 5% discount voucher, and FOMO minutes later, I was the proud owner of a copy of Boundary.
I played it today, and I'd love to say I was not disappointed. Unfortunately, I cannot say that.
There's very little in the way of laying out what each piece of kit does.
In-game found myself getting railed from across the other side of a space station one too many times (which is nowhere near as fun as it sounds).
It's got potential. When it's fun, it's really fun. It's just that it's mostly full of bots; when it's not, if your team is losing, there are no penalties to other players quitting out, so they do.
I don't regret buying Boundary... yet. It's:
3: OK
Mar 30, 2023 - Day 89 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 96
Game: Seraph
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Sep 21, 2016
Library Date: Mar 13, 2018
Unplayed: 1843 (5y17d)
Playtime: 20m
Seraph is a platform shooter, with auto-aiming.
It's the kind of platformer I prefer to play, it's a bit button-mashy at times, and a few times I mashed the wrong button to shoot, but it doesn't rely on perfect timing with lots of unexpected deaths.
In Seraph you play a wingless angel who's spent 30 years in angel prison (I guess?), and who may or may not be responsible for the horde of demons roaming the levels that you have to shoot with your dual-wielded pistols & "gun-fu".
That's some classical angelology right there.
As platformers go, it's much closer to the kind of platformer I prefer, but it's not a great game that's got me rushing to play it again.
For a bit of demon-shooting mayhem, Seraph is:
3: OK
Mar 1, 2023 - Day 60 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 66
Game: X-Morph: Defense
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Aug 30, 2017
Library Date: Jan 10, 2020
Unplayed: 1146 days (3y1m19d)
Playtime: 28m
Remember when tower defense games were the flavour of the month, and everyone seemed to be making one?
X-Morph: Defense is an isometric, sci-fi, tower defense/top-down shooter mash-up... in which you play the bad guys.
As part of an alien fleet invading Earth, you control a ship that can attack the ground & airborne defenders, while also building towers, and creating blockages to increase the path lengths of the attackers.
There are five waves per level, and in the last wave, you face off against a single boss.
Loading up, I was a bit "Oh, a tower defense game." By the time I finished the level, it was after midnight, and I was "more, please".
Except, I'm on call, and I really do need to go to bed.
Load up X-Morph: Defense and lay the smackdown on those xenophobic humans, because it's:
4: Good
It took over 200 behaviours in #RealityComposer to realize the #shooter #game Goats&Wolves. Anyway, here's an impression of what it looks like in object mode:
The second #free #ARQL #game I’ve made and like to repost here is Goats&Wolves – My first #AugmentedReality #Shooter. Here I also was using the „proximity to camera“ function to control the scene.
It was created for IOS15, but also still seem to work fine on OS16.2.
You can download a free version here:
Enjoy playing and feel free to tell me what you think of it.