Please consider being a ko-fi supporter of my #art & help me buy art supplies if you can. I am prolific & go through a lot of paint & surfaces.
I am also accepting #portrait commissions which are a wonderful way to capture a moment, a memory, people or animals you love.
Portrait commissions are $700 for 8 x 10” cradled wood panel. A unique #luxury gift.
Smaller & Larger sizes available too.
Price list at
Thank you!
Moved to my new instance, so here's an #Introduction
I'm Rosie. Married to @wouter. Mum of 3. Dutch Indo #designer #artist #illustrator.
I to #paint #draw #craft #sew #sculpt #design #code #drupal and build #lego
Sometimes I stream games and art on #Twitch.
Neurospicy (#ASD), and I have #lipoedema in my legs/arms.
Love to connect with fellow artists, crafters, gamers and geeks.
Paper crafts: @RosieSoCrafty
#TheSims stuff: @SimsNetwork
#AnimalCrossing stuff: @RosieSoCrossing
#introduction -- i am an #artist (#graphics, #printing, #sculpture), #musician (#tuba, #trombone, #LowBrass, #flute, #electronics), #agarbathiwala (#incense-seller), and #BrainInjury #survivor. i have done #MusicalInstrumentRepair and #software #qa_testing. i ran away from home and joined a #circus (#unicycle, #high_wire) and i used to be a #juggler but after my injury, i was forced to switch from being #RightHanded to being #LeftHanded, and i don't juggle anywhere near as well as i used to.
#Photograph - #Arabs #Eye by Kaye Menner #Photography Wide variety #Prints & lovely #Products at:
#flowers #floral #mastoart #fediverse #fediart #giftideas #wallartforsale #Art #artforsale #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Artist #FineArtAmerica
#Rich #Blue Lavender #floral by Kaye Menner #Photography Wide variety #Prints & lovely #Products at:
#floral #floralart #mastoart #fediverse #fediart #giftideas #wallartforsale #Art #artforsale #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Artist #FineArtAmerica
#Extruded #City of #Color by Kaye Menner #Canvas #Print / Canvas #Art by Kaye Menner #Photography Wide variety #Prints & lovely #Products at:
And many other print options available.
#mastoart #fediverse #fediart #giftideas #wallartforsale #Art #artforsale #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Artist #FineArtAmerica #photograph/digital
#Vanilla #Wine #Rose #Bouquet By Kaye Menner #Photography Wide variety #Prints & lovely #Products at:
#floralart #roseart #mastoart #fediverse #fediart #giftideas #wallartforsale #Art #artforsale #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Artist #FineArtAmerica
I showed her things I always carry with me made of leather: my tablet case, my wallet/phone case, my handbag and other things inside my handbag. She always assumed I'd purchased those and had no idea I made them.
As we were leaving I realized I had an unused tube of my hand and heel balm in my purse so I gave it to her. It's perfect for sore, chapped hand and feet after bartending.
If you've ever wondered who I am, this is me. The endlessly curious maker of all things. 3/3
#Maker #DIY #artist
It's been 2.5 years since my #introductions so here's an update!
I'm an #artist here to meet friends and build community, as well as for #art #commissions ! I occasionally post/repost things listed under my bio "Topics" :)
90% of what I paint is #animals related, especially involving #characterdesign, #landscape s, & #gameart
I'm a long time #internet dweller / fan of the #oldweb since the early 2000's. I've seen the internet change a lot aaand now I sound super old.
Hope you'll allow me to plug my #peertube instance.
I operate a peertube page dedicated to artists, musicians, and everyone who would like to upload their creative performances and works to a smaller creativity-focused community. Feel free to join us at and request an account!
I've been working on more fabric designs - this group has shapes and colours from my abstracted forest fire paintings. I posted them to Spoonflower ( for individual orders while I wait on getting in a bulk order for my own project. I'm thinking linen. I just want to stare at vibrant colours after all this interminal snow.
Artist: #HOBZ / #MonsieurHobz in City: #Paris 20éme, 195, Rue de Pyrénées, France
2022 - Title: "No Stress, No Pain"
- #Art #Streetart #Mural #UrbanArt #Artist #NoStress #Spring #GoodMorning !
Kurz noch vier... Lieblingsfotos ?
Four more... Favorite photos ?
by Artist: #CrisFroese in Loc.: #Bystrzyckie Poland
- Title: "Kradzież księżyca" - ("Stealing the moon" /"Den Mond stehlen" - #Art #Streetart #PhotoArt #Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Moon #Artist
#APhotoLove Website:
Music is in the air. Art challenge letter G
North America