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Here it is: the Finnish Parliament has sided against #ChatControl !

I am overjoyed that in their statement, they have outlined exactly what this proposal would entail: mass surveillance in Europe.

From their statement (translation by me):

"..the suggested model would, in fact, lead to the mass surveillance of communication and would weaken the integrity of communication in the EU."


The tide is turning in regards to Finland's support of #ChatControl !

After the decision on Finland's stance on Chat Control was deferred earlier this month, it was sent back to different committees for review.

Now the Transportation and Communications committee has sided against the proposal, stating that Chat Control would constitute widespread mass surveillance. ("...laajamittaista viestinnän massavalvontaa" in Finnish).


Ilta-Sanomat · Kiistelty ”puhelimien urkinta­laki” tyrmättiin valio­kunnassa – käsittely edus­kunnassa jatkuuBy Henrik Kärkkäinen
Continued thread

🇬🇧🚨Orban moving fast: Endorsement of #ChatControl on the agenda for Wednesday (ambassadors) and Thursday (EU interior ministers) parlament.gv.at/dokument/XXVII +++ Politicians, before you destroy secure #encryption understand that China spied on the US on a large scale using backdoors set up for lawful interception wsj.com/tech/cybersecurity/u-s +++ Finland to take a stance on Wednesday eduskunta.fi/FI/tiedotteet/Siv +++

Information and how you can lobby your government: chatcontrol.eu

Continued thread

Switzerland issues a preliminary report on the compatibility of the European Child Sexual Abuse regulation and Swiss law.

The report expresses concerns that client-side content scanning obligations are likely violating Swiss law.
Additional measures will need to be put in place to protect Swiss Internet users if such regulation is passed by the EU

#Chatkontrolle #ChatControl #CSAR

www.admin.chRapport sur des règles en vue de prévenir et de combattre les abus sexuels sur enfantsInformations actuelles de l'administration. Tous les communiqués de l'administration fédérale, des départements et des offices.

🇳🇱245 wetenschappers uit 31 landen maken korte metten het EU-wetsvoorstel #ChatControl #masssurveillance homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~prenee
+++ 'ineffectief, fout-positieven, ondermijnt end-to-end encryptie, disproportioneel, in strijd met fundamentele rechten, nieuwe gaten in de beveiliging' +++

Zweden🇸🇪 stemt vandaag toch voor gp.se/5ab4dae3-36e8-431a-9f1c- +++ NLD🇳🇱 en ITA🇮🇹 beslissen binnenkort +++

Kom op voor de vertrouwelijkheid van correspondentie💌 en veilige encryptie🔐: patrick-breyer.de/en/posts/cha ✊

Replied in thread

@ibestuur @bert_hubert Fijn, die aandacht in iBestuur en een helder artikel. Voor wie het niet weet: om nog wat dieper op alle aspecten in te gaan, praat ik er uitgebreid over tijdens #Wiccon. Technische details en problemen, bredere impact (het gaat b.v. ook over controle van laptop en zakelijke chats). Ik maak me zorgen over 10 oktober. 😬🤔
Tickets via @wicca
wiccon.nl/tickets-2024 #CSAM #ChatControl

WICCONTickets WICCON 2024 — WICCONGet your tickets for WICCON 2024 in Haarlem, The Netherlands.
Continued thread

MEPs on the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will meet with outgoing EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson this afternoon.

Write your country’s members on LIBE committee to urge the withdrawal of the proposed chat control legislation.


Send them a link to my article (in thread earlier) imagining the first year of cascading consequences if chat control becomes law.

www.europarl.europa.euMembers | Home | LIBE | Committees | European ParliamentList of members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). Details of chair, vice-chairs, members and substitutes and links to MEPs profiles.

What happens if the proposed EU chat control regulation passes?

This series of news reports and press releases imagines the first year of cascading consequences.

It illustrates how the well-intentioned-but-flawed proposal will make detecting child abuse imagery more difficult while harming innocent people, national security, and the EU’s digital sovereignty.

Please share. The EU resumes discussions of the proposal today.

(~12 minute read time)


www.jeremiahlee.com · Stories from the first year of chat controlA premonition of the disastrous year after the EU approves chat control—and what we can do to stop it today.

After reading this detailed article about who will gain from the #EU and other governments introducing mandatory "client-side scanning" tech, it all starts to make sense:


This tech will target everyone, won't protect anyone, and is trivial for real criminals to bypass.

We need to give people and children safer spaces online. But #ChatControl does the opposite. Randomly sending personal chats to third parties for "review" is not a step forward for our society.

Balkan Insight · ‘Who Benefits?’ Inside the EU’s Fight over Scanning for Child Sex ContentAn investigation uncovers a web of influence in the powerful coalition aligned behind the European Commission’s proposal to scan for child sexual abuse material online, a proposal leading experts say puts rights at risk and will introduce new vulnerabilities by undermining encryption.

@ton Just to remind you what this discussion started with:

has made it clear again that they want to leave the market if is enforced against them. We would then lose one of the few -compliant messengers.

And in view of such absurdities, do you consider excessive haste and uncertainty on far more important issues to be the most sensible approach?


#Chatcontrol has to be stopped.

For most people their phones are now extensions of themselves. Allowing the government into your phone just to make sure you're not doing anything they don't like is profoundly invasive.

Ask yourself if technology starts to allow reading human thoughts directly from their brain would you want precedent that doing so is OK on the chance of stopping child abuse?