December 14, 2023 - Day 348 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 368
Game: From Space
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Nov 4, 2022
Installation Date: Dec 14, 2023
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 16m
From Space is a post-apocalyptic (alien invasion!) isometric action twin-stick shooter; it's the eighth game in the December Humble Choice bundle.
The game opens with a short exposition to set the game world, then gives you the option to pick a "specialist" from an extensive range of options.
The characters look like Fortnite avatars run though a chibi filter, but they work well enough with the games stylised graphics.
You load into a training area, then you're off on your first mission. You start with a weapon slot (plus melee weapon via right-click), with more slots unlocking as you progress.
There's also a cache for your weapons at each destination location.
The game (at least as far as I played) seems to be set entirely at night, and makes excellent use of lighting and sound effects.
It's a perfectly serviceable twin-stick shooter. Whether it will draw me back, I don't know.
From Space is:
3: OK